Shoe0nhead: The Red-Brown Queen Of Simps & The Dangers of pop-populism

An in-depth critique of modern day June Lapine

Kayla Labyrinth
15 min readFeb 3, 2021
Image created by Shoe’s own fans

“Rape culture isn’t real”
“The wage gap is a myth”
“The patriarchy is not real”
“White privilege is not real. The only privilege is class privilege”

These are a few memorable quotes by the YouTuber “Shoe0nhead” (June Lapine), a self proclaimed “SocDem” “anti-SJW” YouTuber with 1.5 million subscribers and over 400k Twitter followers who has somehow successfully slithered her way into legitimate leftist spaces after 5 long years of desperately trying.

Before we get into why she’s so dangerous now, we have to talk about her past just a little bit.

Shoe0nhead built her YouTube career off the momentum of “GamerGate”, the misogynistic harassment campaign that gave birth to the alt-right and eventually helped get Donald Trump elected. But there’s a chance most of her fans today don’t know that. In fact, most of her fans today don’t know anything at all about Shoe.

  • They don’t know she was friends with Lauren Southern, a white nationalist. They made a video trashing Hillary Clinton together in 2015.
Shoe and Southern, 2017
  • They don’t know she called the indie game artist Zoe Quinn a “whore” and was a huge “classical liberal” e-celeb during GamerGate.
Shoe at a party with UKIP’s Carl Benjamin & her ex, Armoured Skeptic
  • They don’t know she used to believe BLM was a racist hate group and called it “trash” as well as other countless gross racist shit.
  • They probably don’t know her username “Shoe0nhead” comes from a meme where people who harass webcam models that could not speak english.
  • They don’t know she called non-binary people “trans trenders” up until 2017.
  • They don’t know she was a big fan of Milo Yiannopoulos, an infamous alt-right troll and close friends with Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon Of Akkad, a UKIP party member.
  • They don’t know she said Trump “might be good for America” after he was elected and told LGBT people that they were overreacting on election night.
  • Hell, some don’t even know she used to be engaged to Armoured Skeptic, a Canadian reactionary err “centrist” YouTube “skeptic”. Who has made videos against “trans trenders” and feminism.
NOT sexist!
Her ex also has an… interesting… ring

For years Shoe has been slowly sneaking away from her old reactionary spaces and making her way into left wing communities. Successfully sweeping her past under the rug and pretending she was not calling non-binary people “trans trenders” just a few years ago. Many on the left such as Steve Shives, a victim of Shoe0nhead’s harassment, have been warning about this infiltration attempt for years.

Shives warning folks about how Contrapoints normalized Shoe0nhead and her ex
Just Shoe, her ex-fiance, Lindsay Ellis, Hbomberguy and Contrapoints having lunch together in 2017 :^)

Shoe hid in a trojan horse and the online left opened the gates to a really disgusting new era of left wing online discourse. An openly misogynistic, “edgy”, horny, RACIST, dirtbag brand of leftism that is indistinguishable from 4chan culture and has been poisoning our Twitter experience for about 8 months now. A brand of leftism where it’s ok if you call Nancy Pelosi a bitch, as long as you’re for wealth redistribution!

Watching the online left take her in like an injured baby bird has been horrifying to witness as someone who has been around since 2015 and knows how vile this woman used to be. It sickens me white leftists care more about coddling a conventionally “attractive” white anti-feminist feelings over the safety of BIPOC and LGBT folk. Shoe has led countless young people down the fascist pipeline with her trashy bigoted content (some that is still public, btw) yet she seems to be welcomed with open arms into the same community she harassed for half a decade because all they know of Shoe is her posting tweets of things other people have said with different variations of the caption “omg I want to die” and randomly typing some vague “eat the rich” sentiment on every so often.

If you dare speak out against Shoe you will be swarmed by horny white ‘lefty’ dudebros for days and called a “gatekeeper” and a “wokescold” for daring to suggest that bringing racist, hateful clowns like Shoe into spaces with marginalized people might not be such a good idea. You will be hit with waves of rose emoji dudebros telling you how much she has “changed” and how “good” she is now. The problem is, by June’s own admission she has not changed. She claims to have only shifted her focus away from the online culture wars. Let me repeat this.. she admits she has not changed! Yet the number one defense from Shoe’s white knights is “So you’re saying people can’t change?” “She’s changed!” “Shoe’s good now!”

Still anti-social justice

I’m not here to dig up Shoe’s past and talk about what she used to believe or say because I know I will just be met with “She’s changed!” “Gatekeeper!” So instead I am going to critique modern day Shoe0nhead. Because apparently nobody else besides Kraut, a political ball YouTube channel, has the balls to do it.

Is Shoe “good now” or are you being tricked?

Shoe0nhead in the past 2 years has claimed to be a social democrat, social libertarian, left wing libertarian and a “populist”.

Besides her anti-feminist, “anti-SJW” claim to fame- Shoe is right now currently an open class reductionist, an isolationist, praises traditionalism, hates “globalists”, believes women should be homemakers and believes in “America First”. This should literally be enough to convince anyone, yet it’s somehow not.

It’s true that she has been vaguely on the left since her rise in fame. She did vote for Bernie Sanders in 2016, the same year she called black lives matter a “terrorist organization”. And she has, as far as I’m aware, been an advocate for left wing policies such as universal healthcare, unions, free college and so on. But that alone does not make someone a leftist and we need to stop pretending it does. Richard Spencer supports some of these things. Leftism is also about protecting the most vulnerable in society. It’s not about shoo-shoo’ing away social issues.


Shoe HATES “idpol” and claims “[identity politics] will almost always be used as a weapon to protect the elite”

(((The Elite)))

The only thing that has changed about Shoe0nhead is instead of calling left wing activists “SJWs” she now calls them “wokescolds”. Every bit of social progress is seen as “lib shit” to Shoe, or “more female drone pilots”. YouTuber “Socialism Done Left” called her out for this recently and was dog piled for it.

So progressive!
Celebrating class reductionism

Shoe is still that same reactionary she was in 2015, just with a fresh new coat of red paint.

Think about why her commentary is mostly class focused now and why she has “class justice warrior” in her Twitter bio. In 2016 she claimed “class privilege is the only real privilege”

Despite her friend and fellow “socialist” YouTuber Vaush’s very vocal hatred for “class reductionists” like Angie Speaks and Peter Coffin, Shoe has admitted she is a class reductionist publicly to Vaush on Twitter and everyone, including him, just kind of… forgot about it?

Why did we all just ignore this?

I don’t know about you, but as a disabled jewish lesbian I don’t really feel comfortable being in the same space as admitted class reductionists who dislike feminism and think my human rights are a “distraction”. (Maybe that’s just me!)

If you are a fan of Shoe0nhead I want you to think about why you rarely see Shoe speaking about feminism or immigration anymore. When in 2016 she admitted she agrees with the right on those specific issues?


It’s because she still agrees with her old opinions. She’s like a magician showing you one hand (pro-wealth redistribution) and hiding the quarter in another (still a misogynist).

Think about how Shoe’s entire channel was and still is dedicated to shitting on women and LGBT people. Think about how even in her new series “Hell World” the first half focuses on mocking the cultural left before switching to promoting the economic left. Where does that lead you?

Vaush subtweeting Shoe

The NazBol Vortex

Chances are you’re probably aware of what has been called “the nazbol vortex”. The fear of leftists slipping into a red-brown alliance with fascists.

Shoe has always been one of the most prominent members of the NazBol vortex, in my opinion. Right next to The Red Scare podcast and CumTown who are tied for first place. Other members of the NazBol Vortex are:

  • Tulsi Gabbard. The (ex) congresswoman from Hawaii who ran in the democratic primaries. Shoe was obsessed with her.
  • The Hill’s show ‘Rising’. A political talk show where a “progressive” (Krystal ball) and a fascist (Saagar Enjeti) find “common ground” by smearing and complaining about the democratic party all day while handling Trump and nazis with kid gloves. This happens to be one of Shoe’s “favorite news shows”.

She even has Krystal and Saagar’s red-brown pamphlet and recommended it to her audience:

Yikes yikes yikes
  • Jimmy Dore, a has-been comedian who now spends his time as a middle aged man harassing progressive women while trying to get the left to ally with fascist groups like The Boogaloo Boys.
She doesn’t care
  • Glenn Greenwald. A once admired left wing journalist turned into a Fox News mouthpiece and fascist collaborator.

And what connects all of these people together?

  • Tucker Carlson. The Fox News ‘white power hour’ racist who had a literal white supremacist writer for years.

You could say Shoe is a “fan”.

Oops they have.

“Everyone keeps telling me to stop calling Tucker Carlson based but here’s the problem bitch, I’m not a liar” -Shoe on her Brainlet channel, 2019

“I cannot speak of my forbidden sugar daddy, less I get in trouble with left wing twitter again.” -Shoe in a live stream, 2020

When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

The NazBol vortex is not just a social media phenomenon either.

Shoe shared this on Twitter giddy about “neoliberals” “dying off”, btw.

This is a growing worry, and it should be. Historically, red brown alliances lead to nothing good. They lead to fascism. Shoe, Jimmy, Krystal, Glenn..are strasserites who would all be killed on the night of the long knives. But I guess owning the libs is more important as always.

Recently 4chan exposed Shoe for dating someone who called himself a “national socialist” (a nazi). It turned out to just be rumors. But it exposed something quite concerning.

So although it was revealed that they were not actually dating but nobody doubted it because of how predictable and in character it would have been. He was just a simp who spread rumors behind her back. This drama still exposed the fact that Shoe is in a massive private discord server called “the re-alignment”, a community for cultural right wing, economic left wingers. Essentially this exposed how Shoe is in a community for NazBols.

She posted this in the discord server with the caption “libs are asleep, post truths”

She also follows hundreds of very small “national populist” accounts on twitter.

She is also on Club House, an app that requires an invite. In order to get an invite someone has to have your phone number.

“Nominated by Pedro Gonzalez”

So, this is who has June’s phone number:

Good thing she’s not friends with Lauren Southern anymore, am I right?!

Pushing Vaush to be more reactionary.

In late May of 2021, Vaush and Shoe had a puritanical melt down about “kink at pride”, which started because Vaush decided to defend Shoe’s reactionary outburst calling LGBT “useful idiots for pedophiles” (yes really) and this spiraled into a heated debate between Vaush and streamer “DemonMama”. This is what Shoe was typing to Vaush as it was happening.

Shoe is *openly* a nationalist.

Shoe in 2017 making an alt-right joke to her ex

Shoe hates Israel and uses the phrase “our greatest ally”, a literal nazi joke.

Shoe calls herself a protectionist and an “anti- interventionist”.

She scored “left wing nationalist” on one ideology test in 2020:

She said this “made sense” and that it described her

Shoe scores very high in the “nationalist” category on ALL of her political tests.

She literally got “mainstream republican” on this one and was shocked..

Her patriotism comes off as a dog whistle.

Bull Moose party….

Sometimes not even a dog whistle. More like a fog horn:

“Tradition” talk:

“Think of the children!!!”

Her obsession with Huey Long, a right wing populist politician, should be a red flag:

She has a type, huh.
“Every man a king” was Huey Long’s slogan

Shoe says she is “some kind of socialist” and implies she is not a SocDem:

Fitting character to choose.

YouTuber and feminist Kristi Winters was one of the first to call out Shoe’s dangerous populism. Of course she was laughed off for it.

Honestly, if you’re a leftist fan of Shoe doesn’t it bother you that she coddles her reactionary audience and constantly pushes the idea that we have to unite with fascists over vapid shared beliefs like guns and free speech? How she prioritizes making fun of Joe Biden and liberals over the safety of marginalized folks?

Does it bother you that her response to criticism about keeping fash out of the left is “politics is not your private discord server”?

Because wanting to protect marginalized people from literal fascist infiltrators is just like a discord server! Right…

Kraut had the balls to call Shoe out for her ties with a literal nazi even though the allegations were proven false in the end. She was still in a server with them and was still playful with them. While Vaush, a major “BreadTube” celebrity ran defense for Shoe’s nazi leg humping. Kraut has it right when he says Shoe has not changed. Vaush is wrong when he continues to white knight for a bigoted class reductionist just because she said he was cute once.

Shoe is not a grifter in the sense that she moved left to right or right to left. In fact, Shoe has not moved much at all. She is exactly the same person she has been for years. An anti-immigrant, racist, reactionary moron who hates herself. Sorry for the adhom, we all want to say it. Shoe0nhead is a grifter in that she somehow tricked thousands of leftists into believing she is on their side while still catering to her old anti-SJW audience. She has somehow tricked 2 completely different sides of the political spectrum to simp over her just by using vague populism.

Shoe0nhead is not a comrade, nor is she really a leftist and she is certainly not ally to marginalized people. Shoe0nhead is nothing more than the queen of a rapidly growing baby red-brown army and I feel like more people need to be aware of this. Every road of Shoe’s career led to red-brown. You cannot be “anti-sjw” and a socialist, you just can’t. Social justice is an integral part to socialism. There is no such thing as being “anti-woke” and a leftist. This is not cancel culture or gatekeeping. This is protecting the vulnerable and knowing basic history. This is putting the safety of BIPOC and LGBT folk before the comfort of rich white fascists.

Ignoring all of Shoe’s past. We are currently left with what can only be described as a vapid national socialist hellbent on growing an army of simps from all corners of the political spectrum by uniting them in a shared hatred of “liberals”. Historically, this is bad.

What I’m trying to say is: The YouTube NazBol vortex is real and a busted Boxxie look-a-like is the face of it because you’re all too horny to call her out.



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